
:clipboard: Simple-CV: A minimalistic, multi-page CV template with BibLaTeX support.

:books: eth-cs-notes: Lecture notes and cheatsheets for Master’s in Computer Science at ETH Zurich.

:trophy: academy-awards: Interactive plots to toy with some Academy Awards statistics.


:running: poser: Learning in-the-wild Temporal 3D Pose Estimation from MoCap Data, Master’s thesis.

:smiling_imp: bert-adv-embed: Adversarial perturbations on word embeddings of BERT.

:lips: AV Digits Database: Audiovisual dataset for normal, whispered and silent speech.

:chart: AlgoTrade: Web-based algorithmic trading framework, BSc final year project.


:train2: gleisurfer: App concept for helping railway clearance through AR and 3D reconstrcution.

:framed_picture: Wallery: Augmented reality art gallery and NFT marketplace concept.

:mountain_snow: diff-annotate: Data annotation tool with proposal generation and person detection support.