Alternatively, my Google Scholar page is this way.
[WACV ‘25] VerA: Versatile Anonymization Applicable to Clinical Facial Photographs
M. El Helou*, D. Cetin*, P. Stamenkovic, N. B. Huber, F. Zünd
IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2025 -
[ICASSP ‘18] Visual-Only Recognition of Normal, Whispered And Silent Speech
S. Petridis, J. Shen, D. Cetin, M. Pantic
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2018
- Facial Image Feature Analysis and its Specialization for Fréchet Distance and Neighborhoods
D. Cetin, B. Schesch, P. Stamenkovic, N. B. Huber, F. Zünd, M. El Helou